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02 January 2023

Rhythms Primeval Book Trailer by Maya Mitra Das

Rhythms Primeval by Maya Mitra Das.

As a masterful collection of poetry and prose, Rhythms Primeval embodies the exquisite alchemy of primeval moons and mist-wrapped mountains.


Das weaves an intricate tapestry of thoughts and feelings, exploring the boundaries of human loneliness while highlighting the beauty and healing power of love. Through thematic exploration of ecstatic joy and deepest despair, her verses provide a window into the universal human experience.


Maya Mitra Das is no stranger to the literary world. For more than two decades, she has crafted words into art, addressing the complexities of life with grace and poignancy. She has been featured in numerous anthologies and literary journals, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Atlantic Monthly.


"I hope that my work will help readers to be more mindful of their own inner landscapes," says Das. "We are all stories in progress, and I believe in the healing power of stories."


Rhythms Primeval is a transformative collection of poetry and prose that will leave readers in awe. In partnership with Truman Publishing, we invite you to immerse yourself in the captivating sounds of Maya Mitra Das’s words.


Rhythms Primeval will be available in bookstores, and online retailers.

With its evocative imagery, Rhythms Primeval invites readers to explore a realm of possibilities beyond their everyday world. In passionate and often whimsical language, Maya Mitra Das takes us into the heart of the human experience.


15 February 2023