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In Focus: A Roundup of Our Most Engaging Articles


17 November 2023
Introduction Are you struggling to promote your book on Amazon? With millions of titles available on the platform, it can be challenging to stand out and reach your target audience. That's where AMZ Book Marketing Services comes in. As the top book marketing firm in the US, their expertise and
30 September 2023
In an industry where competition is fierce, standing out from the crowd as a book author can be a daunting task. There are millions of books published each year, each clamoring for attention and recognition. In such an environment, how can an author ensure that their work does not just
15 February 2023
Self-publishing has become a pretty common practice in today’s world. There are many advantages to self-publishing your work, but also some disadvantages. The biggest advantage is complete control over your work. You decide what the cover looks like , what the price is, and how many copies are printed. This
15 February 2023
Choosing whether to self-publish or seek traditional publishing is a big decision for any author. Both have their pro’s and con’s, and it is always an individual choice based on your goals as an author. Self-publishing has gained a bad reputation in the writing world as ‘easy’ or ‘poor quality’
15 February 2023
Self-publishing has become a pretty big thing in the past few years. With the rise of e-books and Amazon’s dominance in the market, it has made it much easier to get your work out there. With the rise of self-publishing has come a lot of poor quality works , fake
25 January 2023
The US Film Festival brings together a stellar lineup of films from all over the United States. The festival also offers a wealth of events and activities that make it an excellent destination for film lovers. Introduction: Why visit a film festival? Film festivals provide a unique opportunity for film
15 December 2022
“American Prometheus: The Inspiration for the Major Motion Picture OPPENHEIMER” is a compelling read that has been highly recommended by Truman Press and 5 Minutes Media. This definitive biography of J. Robert Oppenheimer, penned by Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin, delves into the life of one of the most iconic
12 October 2022
Are you an author, illustrator, or publisher looking to self-publish your work? If so, you may have heard of IngramSpark, a popular self-publishing platform. But how reliable is it? In this article, we'll take a closer look at IngramSpark and its services. Is IngramSpark Legit? IngramSpark is an online self-publishing

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