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15 February 2023

Self Publishing Vs Traditional Publishing

Choosing whether to self-publish or seek traditional publishing is a big decision for any author. Both have their pro’s and con’s, and it is always an individual choice based on your goals as an author.

Self-publishing has gained a bad reputation in the writing world as ‘easy’ or ‘poor quality’ due to many low quality books being published online through Amazon and other sites. However, with the rise of indie authors, the popularity of self-published books has risen, meaning that there is more competition.

Traditional publishing usually involves meeting with editors and publishers before your book is published, high quality printing, and advertising support. Many people choose traditional publishing because they want these qualities in their book.

This article will discuss the differences between the two forms of publishing and what each one offers you as an author.

Benefits of self-publishing

self publishing vs traditional publishing

Some people choose to self-publish because it is easier than traditional publishing. There are many resources available to help you publish your work, whether it be a book, short story, or novel.

These resources include online software that helps you format your book, creates cover art , and markets your book. There are also companies that help you print and distribute your book.

Self-publishing has a higher chance of success because you are in charge of everything. You choose what book to write, how to write it, and who to market it to. This also means you take all the responsibility for its success or failure.

Some people choose to self-publish because they have been rejected by traditional publishers and do not want to take the time to find another one . This is not a bad thing, it is just something you should know before investing in publishing your work.

Benefits of traditional publishing

self publishing vs traditional publishing

While traditional publishing can be more difficult to get into, and typically involves a contract with a big publisher, the benefits are worth it.

A big advantage is publicity. Publishers hire publicists who are expert marketers to help push your book and get reviews, interviews, and mentions. This helps spread the word about your book, which brings in new readers!

Publishers have connections to distributors such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble which help advertise and sell your book. Distribution is also a service that independent sellers use to sell their products so that is not an issue.

They also have professional editors and cover designers that put out the best quality books . Having a professionally edited and designed book adds value to it so people feel like they got their money’s worth.

Lastly, having your book in store shelves at retailers such as Barnes & Noble or Amazon gives your book more exposure. People who would never search for your book online will find it in the store which increases sales.

Downsides of self-publishing

self publishing vs traditional publishing

While self-publishing is gaining momentum, there are still some major drawbacks to this route.

You have to do all the work! While this is a good thing because you are fully in charge and reap all the rewards, it can be exhausting. You have to write the book, design the cover, market the book, and manage sales.

While this is a good thing because you are fully in charge and reap all the rewards, it can be exhausting. You have to write the book, design the cover, market the book, and manage sales. It can be difficult to get reviews and traction in online stores like Amazon and Barnes & Noble if you do not have a solid marketing plan in place. Since you are responsible for all of the marketing for your book, it is easy to get distracted by other things or run out of energy.

if you do not have a solid marketing plan in place. Since you are responsible for all of the marketing for your book, it is easy To succeed as an indie author , you need to develop a strong network , cultivate strong relationships with readers , and be willing to work hard.

Downsides of traditional publishing

self publishing vs traditional publishing

While traditional publishing offers many advantages , there are also some drawbacks to this route. The main one is that you cede control of your work to someone else.

If you publish with a big publisher, they will have an editorial department that makes suggestions for improvement. However, in the end, they believe in their own ability to market your book, not yours.

If you publish with a small publisher, then you are totally on your own. There is no editorial department and no marketing team. You have to do all of that yourself!

Another drawback of traditional publishing is that it can take quite some time to get your book out there. From contract acceptance to publication date, it can be a few months or even a year or more. This delay can be tough if you are eager to share your work with the world!

Lastly, there is the issue of royalties. You don’t actually make that much money per book sold unless you get really high sales numbers .

Who should self-publish?



If you have written a novel and feel very passionate about it, then you should definitely give self -publishing a try!

If you have a job and other obligations, it is probably best to not invest too much time in the process unless you have free time . The process can be time consuming depending on how much you want to do.

The main things you will need are money to invest in the services you need, passion for your book, and patience for the process. With those three things, you will be well on your way to having your novel published!

Heather Smith is a professional editor and publisher with over fifteen years of experience in the field. As an experienced editor herself, she understands the challenges faced by new editors and publishers and offers quality editorial services at an affordable price. Check out her website for more information.

Who should traditional publish?8) What should I do?9) Conclusion

self publishing vs traditional publishing

Traditional publishing is for those who have been published before, have an agent, or have a following.

If you have been published before and you have experience with writing, then you are already ahead of the game. Your previous work will be reviewed by a publisher to see if it meets their standards and if you are eligible for royalties.

If you do not have any prior work or experience, then you will need an agent. An agent is a person who negotiates contracts for you and takes a small percentage of your earnings in return. They help build your reputation and brand so that you can get the best deals.

Having a following or fame prior to publishing with a traditional publisher will help get the book sold, but only if the quality is there.
