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22 December 2022

Mitra Thompson talks about From Tehran to the Land of the Free

Mitra, who is of the Baha'i faith, was constantly scared and on guard throughout her childhood and adolescence, always concerned for her safety and her family. However, when she moved to America, it became her new home and also a land of opportunity. Here, she could taste the ‘choice wine of freedom’ and it gave her an opportunity to make all of her dreams come true.


Though it was not easy in the beginning and she had to face several tests and difficulties along the way, Mitra did not give up and grabbed hold of all the opportunities that were presented to her. She strived hard and eventually achieved success in creating a happy life for herself and her family.


One of the main questions that Mitra was asked during the interview was what inspired her to write a book about her journey. To this, Mitra responded by saying that she wanted to share her story as she wanted it to be an inspiration for people who are facing any form of injustice or suppression in any part of the world. She said that her book serves as a reminder for them that even if the conditions around them seem dark, they must not lose hope and must keep their dreams alive.


Her book ‘From Tehran to the Land of the Free’ is an amazing example of courage and determination in the face of adversity. It serves as an inspiration for everyone who dream of a better life and encourages them to never give up on their dreams and strive hard to achieve them no matter what obstacles come in their way.


5 minutes media is proud to have had the opportunity to interview Mitra Thompson on her book ‘From Tehran to the Land of the Free’ and learn more about her inspiring journey.

Today, 5 minutes media has organised a special interview session with the Author Mitra Thompson to talk about her book ‘From Tehran to the Land of the Free’. From childhood, Mitra was a dreamer full of determination and had the desire to overcome any obstacle that came in her way. Though Iran was her home and it was where she grew up, her faith, gender and cultural background held her back from achieving her dreams and aspirations.
