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15 September 2022

Maya Mitra Das talks about Silhouettes of Time

During the interview, 5 Minutes Media asked Das what inspired her to write Silhouettes of Time. She explained that the idea for the book grew out of her desire to explore different paths in life and to capture moments of beauty and wonder. As a child, she traveled to many different places, experiencing cultures and landscapes that opened her eyes to the possibilities of life. Her travels also gave her a unique perspective on the world and a desire to capture those experiences in her writing.


The title “Silhouettes of Time” came to Das at a critical moment in her life when she was questioning many things. She explains that it is a metaphor for the many paths that we take in life and the choices that we make. The book explores how these choices shape our lives and our perspectives.


In Silhouettes of Time, Maya Mitra Das invites readers to explore the depths of their imagination. Through her stories, she takes them on a journey through time and space, giving them a glimpse into a world that is both familiar and alien. In her stories, Das captures moments of beauty and wonder that will leave readers entranced.


This is an incredible achievement for Maya Mitra Das and readers everywhere are sure to enjoy Silhouettes of Time for years to come. 5 Minutes Media is proud to have interviewed this outstanding author and we thank her for taking the time to share her work with us.


For more information about Silhouettes of Time, please visit Maya Mitra Das’s website at https://silhouettesoftime.com/.

Maya Mitra Das, the author of “Silhouettes of Time”, was recently in an interview with 5 Minutes Media. In this interview, she gave us a glimpse into her book and the inspiration behind it.


Silhouettes of Time is Das’s first collection of short fiction, a set of stories that are widely imaginative and take its readers on a journey to many exotic and alien landscapes. In her book, Das introduces readers to curious moments in time, space and memory that are sure to leave them enthralled. Her poetry and fiction have also been featured in various anthologies.
